Thursday, September 24, 2009

Daily watch: Tom Ridge and captain John's roach jerky

September 24, 2009

Last night’s show, which focused on climate control, started with a heavy dose of hypocrisy. In a segment called Cloudy With a Chance of Heatballs, Stewart led with coverage of Tuesday’s United Nations first global summit on climate change. The world’s most important leaders had traveled to New York’s UN headquarters via jumbo jet, helicopter, motorcade and ‘jumbo choppercade’. “All to attend,” Stewart noted with his typical wry smile, “an important meeting about…[wait for it]…climate change.”

After showing highlights of the various speakers from the event and adding his usual satirical commentary, Stewart finished the segment by saying: “So the world’s largest industrial nations have spoken out boldly about their future tenuous plans to hit possible abstract goals on climate change.” He couldn’t have summed up better.


The Daily Show With Jon Stewart Mon - Thurs 11p / 10c
Our Dead Planet

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Daily Show correspondent Aasif Mandvi then gave a report as part of The Daily Show’s ongoing series, Our Dead Planet. His report centered on the problems with wind power. Over the past 30 years, according to climate scientist Eugene Tackle, who was interviewed, research suggests that the planet’s wind speeds have declined, a shocking result with potentially dire implications for the environment. Tackle then speculated that the reason for slowing wind speeds may be due to reforestation, as new trees create a physical barrier to wind. Mandvi sums up that sentiment with: “So the trees are [bleep]ing with us.” Yeah, the guy was serious.

The interview (embedded below) featured former head of homeland security, Tom Ridge, who appeared to promote his new book, The Test of Our Times. It was an outstanding interview, but the highlight came when Ridge talked about the fact that leaders can be both imprisoned or executed but that their ideas could never be detained or killed. Quipped Stewart: “Are we working on an idea-killing bomb?”

Overall, a funny episode with one of the most disgusting product placements and catch phrases you’re ever likely to see: “Captain John’s Roach Jerky, for when you’ve lost touch with all that once made you human.”  The moment of zen was also amusing, as was the semi-regular check-in with comedian Stephen Colbert (both embedded below).  I'm looking forward to tonight's interview with Rod Bladojevich.

The Daily Show With Jon Stewart Mon - Thurs 11p / 10c
Tom Ridge

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Political Humor Healthcare Protests

The Daily Show With Jon Stewart Mon - Thurs 11p / 10c
Daily/Colbert - Giganto-Phallicism Condition

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Political Humor Healthcare Protests

The Daily Show With Jon Stewart Mon - Thurs 11p / 10c
Moment of Zen - Larry King Smeyes

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Political Humor Healthcare Protests

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